Sunday, October 18, 2009

5 minutes of Fame

On October 14th, our long Island Newspaper, NEWSDAY, published an article on me. How exciting.... The entire month of October, they have a short story about a Breast Cancer Survivor in their "LifesVictories" section. They invite survivors to come for a photo shoot and a video interview, and then a reporter contacts you for an interview. It was very nice to do this as my goal it to get the message out to as many people as possible about annual mammograms.

Here is the link to that article and video interview:

Walking at Jones Beach

Today October 18th 2009, I walked with my husband, daughter, sisters, niece and friends for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. It was a really nasty day for it, with 20mph winds and pouring rain, and very cold. Initially I wanted to give up and make my deposit of the funds I had raised as a pacesetter, but then I saw thousands of people and it gave me strength to keep moving forward.

My life is about moving forward and not letting little things get in the way of what I want to accomplish.......

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Normal activities after Breast Cancer

Today October 3rd 2009, is my mothers birthday. It was so nice to be able to go out to lunch with my parents and enjoy the day. I also had the pleasure of being a soccer mom and enjoy watching both my kids play a really good game of soccer. Just a year ago, I was not able to do either of these things, and I am truly grateful for the little things in life.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Top 10 Burdens and Blessings of Breast Cancer

10. Burden- Fear and Anxiety of finding out you have Breast Cancer at age 42 in both of your breasts.
10. Blessing- Early detection.
9. Burden- Doctors recommend Bi-Lateral Mastectomy with Immediate Breast Reconstruction
9. Blessing- Finding the Best Doctors in Long Island, NY
8. Burden- DIEP Flap Surgery will take 14 hours
8. Blessing - I will wake up with New Breasts and the Cancer removed.
7. Burden- The surgery will require 6 drains. (I will feel like an Octopus for weeks)
7. Blessing- DIEP Flap Surgery will allow for no loss of abdominal muscles, and I will be able to walk around within 3 days of surgery
6. Burden- Huge scar from Hip to Hip
6. Blessing- Finally got rid of the belly fat from the 2 C-sections
5. Burden- I will still need 4 sessions of Chemotherapy, and lost all my hair
5. Blessing- I got to try different wigs and didn't have to shave for months
4. Burden- I will still need 35 days of Radiation
4. Blessing- My hair starts to grow and I am almost done with my treatments
3. Burden- Having to tell my family and friends "I have Breast Cancer"
3. Blessing - Knowing how much your family and friends really love you.
2. Burden - Having to tell my small kids "Mommy is bald because of Breast Cancer"
2. Blessing- Kids are resilient, and love you unconditionally
1. Burden- Numbness of my new breasts
1. Blessing - Having a loving husband who says " I can live without your breasts but I can't live without you"